
Thursday 25th - Page 4

What Do Blockchain and AI Mean for Future Employment?

In the epoch of digital revolution where the terms blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) resonate more than the clinking of physical coins, the job sector is witnessing an exciting yet perplexing metamorphosis. An era where cryptocurrencies reign supreme not only revolutionizes how
January 11, 2024

E-voting in the Blockchain Era: A New Dawn for Democracy?

In the glittering landscape of our crypto-dominated society, the one institution that has stood resilient, yet ripe for revolution, is democracy itself. With the blockchain winds coursing through every aspect of our lives, it’s only natural that they also breathe new life
January 11, 2024

Crypto Celebrities: Is Fame Tradable on the Block?

The glitz and glamour of celebrity have long been a hallmark of our culture, captivating public imagination with their larger-than-life personas. But what happens when the ephemeral nature of fame meets the immutable ledger of blockchain? Welcome to the world of Crypto
January 11, 2024

Blazing New Trails in Crypto-Educated Healthcare

In the illuminated corridors of the modern healthscape, where Blockchain shines brighter than the florescent tubes, we now witness healthcare and education joining forces in the crypto-universe. The quest for universality in patient care previously explored the symbiosis of ‘health tokenomics’ and
January 11, 2024